Photo credit: Nathalie Kardjian


With our unique network and expertise, we co-create programs and provide services to partners in the public and private sectors. We provide insights derived from a wide-ranging ecosystem of creative activities across education, research and innovation encompassing foresight, technology and trend scouting.

Let's innovate!

Photo credit: Astra Brinkmann

Swissnex connects Swiss corporations and innovation agencies with key players to help them access the latest trends in technology, innovation and more. With a networked, cross-disciplinary team as our backbone, we have access, contacts and expertise in a wide range of fields within the ERI ecosystem. Our presence in some of the most vibrant academic and innovation hubs in the world, together with our ties to Switzerland, make us an excellent partner for Swiss stakeholders visualizing the long-term future of their business.



Generating insights and ideas that connect the dots between science, technology, and creativity, nextrends and nextrends Asia are a bridge between Switzerland and the world.

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Photo credit: Astra Brinkmann
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